Pannonhalmi Levendulás És Gyógynövénykert

 ¿Qué ver en Pannonhalmi levendulás és gyógynövénykert, Pannonhalma?

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The Pannonhalma Lavender and Herb Garden is a beautiful and peaceful attraction located in the town of Pannonhalma, Hungary. The garden showcases a variety of plants, including lavender, herbs, and other medicinal plants. The garden is open to visitors from April to October, from 9am to 6pm daily, and admission is 1500 HUF (approximately $5 USD). The official website for the garden is

In the surrounding area, visitors can also explore the Pannonhalma Archabbey, a Benedictine monastery founded in 996. The monastery is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is open to visitors from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9am to 5pm. The nearby town of Győr also offers a range of historic and cultural attractions, including the Győr National Theatre and the Győr Cathedral.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Pannonhalmi levendulás és gyógynövénykert)
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